Parts Series & Tools

The World’s Leader in Ring-Lock Products

Parts Series & Tools

The World’s Leader in Ring-Lock Products

Nuts and Collars

Fittings and Inserts

Fittings and Inserts

Bolts and Screws

Pins and Rivets

Washers and Seals

Washers and Seals



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Item Name Description On Hand Add to Quote
L79NCFMA2-256NUT - CLINCH 100 items on hand
LAB6C0321AWIRE 3465 items on hand
LC-022B-4MWSPRING 200 items on hand
LC-063G-12-SSPRING 67 items on hand
LC534-12AEUNION ASSY 69 items on hand
LC608-08ACOUPLING ASSY 2 items on hand
LCBSBM-4-01-A-RTSupport 200 items on hand
LD111-0024-0409BOLT 292 items on hand
LD111-0024-0613BOLT - TENSION 12 POINT 113 items on hand
LD111-0044-1052BOLT 0 items on hand
LD111-0044-2315SCREW, CLOSE TOLERANCE 317 items on hand
LD111-0045-2311SCREW, FLUSH HEAD TORQ-SET 381 items on hand
LD121-0007-0304Rivet 80 items on hand
LE-037CD-8SSSPRING 16 items on hand
LE111-0044-2412BOLT 439 items on hand
LE111-0044-2415SCREW, CLOSE TOLERANCE;123256-4R-2415 212 items on hand
LE111-0067C3608BOLT, 12 POINT HD 94 items on hand
LE114-0038A2882NUT ASSY, LOCKING GANG CHAN;5310-01-284-2499 20 items on hand
LG8CB2800PIN 4 items on hand
LHTG54A86NUT 249 items on hand
LK109V3-4Bolt 2775 items on hand
LK110V04-10ENTER DESCRIPTION 155 items on hand
LK204F4ENTER DESCRIPTION 55 items on hand
LL500-8-5SCREW, SELF LOCKING 152 items on hand
LL507-832R12Screw 288 items on hand
LL525D8R9SCREW SELF-LOCKING 109 items on hand
LN29986-06LOCK NUT 6MILMETER 100 items on hand
LP51957-29HQSCREW 11 items on hand
LP51957-41HQSCREW 5 items on hand
LP57J62P6Screw 459 items on hand
LS1797-04ADAPTER 25 items on hand
LS35103AM03S043Pin 9 items on hand
LS35128B007E064SHIM 10 items on hand
LS35307-4MWASHER 12 items on hand
LS35372-08-8Screw 8276 items on hand
LS3859-4P10BUSHING 40 items on hand
LS3859-5PP11Bushing 0 items on hand
LS3859R5-5Bushing 5 items on hand
LS5909N101-0202SHIMS 20 items on hand

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7363 E. Tierra Buena Lane Suite 100 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

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